Color Blending with Chameleon Markers by Dino Tomic



Chameleon Pens

Chameleon Color Tone Pens are a unique pen system that enables the user to change the colour tone of the ink so one pen produces multiple colour tones!

英國變色龍針筆0.3mm Chameleon Fineliners (20色裝)

特別適合以Chameleon Fineliners設計Bullet Journal 子彈手帳,因墨水不會滲入大部分的紙張。 · 採用日本精密0.3毫米精金屬塗層筆尖,書寫效果超級流暢。 · 水性,防乾墨水技術 ...

英國變色龍針筆0.3mm Chameleon Fineliners (48色裝)

使用Chameleon Art Products創新的Chameleon Fineliners可以瞬間為您所有書寫,日記,繪圖添上獨一無二的漸變色彩。 ... 包含48個顏色, 可互相搭配千多個不用變色效果。

英國Chameleon Pens 漸變色Marker

已售完 Chameleon係一款可調色調既Marker,兩邊既頭分別係一軟一硬既筆頭,硬的用於勾線條,軟刷則用於上色。由漸變到突出,各種層次同陰影都可以輕鬆做出無縫銜接。

英國Chameleon Pens漸層色變色龍繪畫筆六一兒童水彩麥克筆禮物

評分 4.9 (3) 歡迎來到淘寶OKE歐卡藝術設計用品,選購Chameleon麥克筆,好評率100%,3用戶購後寫下真實評論。品牌:chameleon,型號:變色龍,形狀:其他/other,顏色分類:一代暖色系5支裝, ...

Chameleon Art Products, Chameleon Color Tones, Deluxe Set

供應中 評分 4.7 (1,692) Each pen goes from as light as a hint of a tint to rich tones, eliminating tonal gaps in your collection. Available in 3 Sets. The Chameleon Color Tones 52 Pen ...


At last, affordable, quality alcohol pens with all the possibilities and capabilities you've come to expect from Chameleon. MORE INFO & HOW TO BUY.

Chameleon Pens Australia

One pen, multiple colour tones! For simple, seamless, colour gradations! Create depth, dimension, highlights, shading and shadows…all with one pen!

Buy Chameleon Art Products

Chameleon Art Products design and produce a family of professional quality innovative art tools that will help you unlock the world of colour.

Chameleon 變色麥克筆-灰色調5入組

已售完 筆尖:Chameleon PensTM採用雙頭設計,一端為產自日本的子彈頭筆尖,另一端為軟刷筆尖,兩者都可注入墨水並輕鬆更換。 子彈頭筆尖為硬質筆尖,適用於勾勒輪廓、描繪線條以及小 ...


ChameleonColorTonePensareauniquepensystemthatenablestheusertochangethecolourtoneoftheinksoonepenproducesmultiplecolourtones!,特別適合以ChameleonFineliners設計BulletJournal子彈手帳,因墨水不會滲入大部分的紙張。·採用日本精密0.3毫米精金屬塗層筆尖,書寫效果超級流暢。·水性,防乾墨水技術 ...,使用ChameleonArtProducts創新的ChameleonFineliners可以瞬間為您所有書寫,日記,繪圖添上獨一無二的漸變色彩。......